Because we added so much more power into her talents, we had to reduce her baseline power by a marginal amount to compensate.

We also want to give Lunara more potential playstyles, which we’re doing by adding some new powerful talents into her tree.

While at least 2 enemy Heroes are afflicted with Nature's Toxin, Noxious Blossom's cooldown recharges 100% faster.New Talent: Accelerated Contamination (Q).Instead, increases Crippling Spores’ Slow duration by 1 second and causes it to no longer decay. No longer increases Crippling Spores’ Slow amount.Casting Crippling Spores while at least 2 enemy Heroes are afflicted with Nature’s Toxin reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.This damage bonus increases by an additional 50% against enemies who have 3 stacks of Nature’s Toxin.When an enemy Hero has 3 stacks of Nature’s Toxin, this Healing increases to 28 per second.Heal amount reduced from 18 to 9 Health per second.Now also increases Noxious Blossom’s range by 25%.After not Basic Attacking or taking damage for 5 seconds, increase the Movement Speed bonus of Dryad’s Swiftness by 10%.When a Wisp is in a bush for 5 seconds, its vision radius is increased by 200% and reveals the surrounding area.