I’ve used Medibang for years, it was originally ad free, eventually ads are added, but not so intrusive software is unusable, so it’s fine, make the money, I get it. These are some of my suggestions that could make this even more of an awesome app, it is just a suggestion that I would like to be thought over for, it is entirely up to you developers to decide whether this is beneficial. Lastly is the blending option, although this can be substituted with other brushes that were implemented, it’s just the conveniences of it would I suggested this. I would like that option to be a separated on each canvas. However when you try to flip the canvas, all the canvas comes along with it, and flips. For example if I was making an eye and too lazy to create the other side I should have the option to duplicate it into another layer(the selected area) and flip it to create a finished pair of eyes. Another is the duplication of some area you chose with the magic wand. This is I think is a great way to create a perfect figure without some distortions. It is where u Create a point in the canvas and whatever you do on the other side of the point also applies to the other so it is mirrored. But some of those missing components that it needs is the mirror tool. It contains most of the tools and option some of those paid painting apps. Personally I think this is a fairly good up. Cloud-related features require a free MediBang account. Pen pressure works on compatible styluses such as Apple Pencil, Intuos Creative Stylus, Bamboo Stylus fineline, Adonit Jot Script, and SonarPen. MediBang Premium subscription service provides unlimited access to exclusive brushes and materials, as well as additional features such as hiding in-app advertisements, folder and filter functions, local font function, custom export function, unlimited team members, and version control functions. Auto Recovery feature backs up work in the event of a crash. Cloud storage for safe backup and management of art and comics. One-click upload to the MediBang art community.

Share files with others and work together on projects.

Create comic panels easily by dragging across the canvas. Free comic book fonts to give comics a professional look. Users get access to 1000 tones, textures, backgrounds, and word balloons for free. Force Fade in and Out feature makes lines sharp even when drawing with fingers. A unique lineup of colorful brushes ranging from Pen, Airbrush, Pencil, Watercolor, Smudge, Mapping Pen, Round Symmetry Pen, Edge Pen, Sumi, Flat Brush, Acrylic, School Pen, Turnip Pen, Drawing Pen, Soft Pastel, and Multi Brushes.