Mtg card sets by symbol
Mtg card sets by symbol

mtg card sets by symbol

Note that Pink/Heart, Purple/Nexus, and Yellow/Jasmine are currently the same symbol. There are a great many number of symbols, and we will inevitably add more as they arise. As such, you need to write them in the traditional format for it to know the difference: 1.īelow is a list of all symbols, their definition, their code, and their -translator code, if available. In example, the symbol for Green-White Hybrid is, but if you put this in the middle of a mana cost: 1GW, the translator will assume you mean 1GW. Not all symbols can be used inside of the tag, and some of the symbols require slightly different formatting in order for the translator to properly determine what you mean. By wrapping a mana cost inside of a tag, the software will automatically reparse this into a series of appropriate tags for the same level of control, but allowing you a quick shorthand for ease. Most basic symbols can also be handled by the -translator tag. This scaling is done automatically - every symbol will perfectly match the existing line height, so by shrinking or expanding the font size, you are also controlling the symbol size. Every symbol is saved as an SVG, allowing the symbol to scale beautifully at any size. We have created a new symbol tag system in order streamline the entire magic-symbol process efficiently and add more control.

Mtg card sets by symbol